I’ve discovered how to keep my clients and my students all over the world more youthful as we age. Now I want to share this knowledge and this program with you.
I created the Change Your Age program based on 40 years of experience in the field of dance, movement sciences, psychology, biology and gerontology. My most influential mentor was Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, perhaps the greatest movement scientist of the 20thcentury.
I became the first educational director of professional training programs after his death in 1984 and created many training programs worldwide. I have applied these ideas in clinical settings working one-on-one and with large groups to address every possible kind of physical limitation and to enhance and develop the mind-body connection.
I am honored to apply my years of study, observation and experience to the Change Your Age program.  I consider it a public service.
I authored the Change Your Age book as well as the DVD set and I’ve been offering workshops to the general public and to institutions.
I’m also training practitioners across the country to become certified Change Your Age teachers, who can then teach Change Your Age workshops and classes themselves. All of these teachers have significant background working with older adults.